Minga loves supporting folks through classes, both in person and virtually.
Body Sanctuary: Minga Lily is now teaching small in person classes at the Healthy Living Community Studio in Portland, OR!
These are spaces to learn about your body and sensations in a community in-person class. You will learn about your fascia and integrated body and emotional systems. We quiet our nervous systems, recognize our stuck places, more with care, kindness and deep listening into yourselves and into the world. Plan to open & gently strengthen as well as self massage.
All our classes unfold around you to create a safe space for self-care in community, rest and deep listening. You will receive homework:
things to work on so that you can continue a daily practice.
In person classes are unfolding and are on Sunday twice a month. register here
Virtual Live: Minga hosts live classes via zoom once/week on Friday mornings 9-10am
join me for class friday to practice online in body! these classes are a way of checking in at the end of the week, charging your battery. protecting and building your energy and well being.
minga lily shares functional approach to therapeutic somatic movement, fascial release, self massage and personalized care to each person in class.
Email or her to get onto the zoom mailing list with the invite to classes. Invites are sent once a week
Yoga Anytime Anywhere (recorded): Access a yoga whenever you feel the desire to have some guided movement and breath work. Click here to access a library of classes.
Class Offerings
Virtual Group Class
Minga hosts live classes via Zoom once/week on Friday mornings:
9am-10am PST
Anytime Videos
You can access our library of a diverse array of videos for anytime!
Personal Sessions
Interested in private sessions?
Email Minga to set up an appointment
Group Class In-Person
Minga Lily is teaching a small in- person class every other Sunday morning in Portland, OR!